Multisectoral GBV activities
Afikpo South Multisectoral Task Force team conducting their scheduled activity for the month of May The team visited Owutu School for sensitisation and Awareness creation on GBV and how to prevent and report cases.
Afikpo South Multisectoral Task Force team conducting their scheduled activity for the month of May The team visited Owutu School for sensitisation and Awareness creation on GBV and how to prevent and report cases.
On the 26th of May, The SBCC team conducted Facilitation training for Voices Facilitators at the state audit office, Mile 50. This exercise aimed to equip the facilitators with the necessary skills to engage participants and effectively carry out the VOICES activity which targets couples and parents in normal shifting activities that will help stop [...]
EHNRD M&E and GBV team conducted the monthly data-driven exercise in the facilities supported by EHNRD. These data tell us exactly how the GBV data captured in these LGA are. And its visualisation highlighted the quality of work done within quarter two of the year under review. The OICs saw what was working well and [...]
The "MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership" (MCGL) is a four-year USAID-funded project run by Jhpiego in consortium partnership with Save the Children, PACT and The Manhoff Group (TMG). The project is working on preventing and mitigating the consequences of violence against women and girls and identifying possible drivers of Forced Early and Child [...]